Together we can do it better

Do you know where TARA community centre is? We think you should find out as it becomes a bit more important now once you own a bike…

Too much for a few

Strive not to be a success but rather of a value. Albert Einstein We struggle to explain to the majority of people on our way that what we do is not for profit. Despite our soon-to-be legal structure we are not working like a standard company. When the bikes are being given away we prepare […]

We hate free stuff

I’ll do anything for free stuff. Sandra Bullock The Bikes College, since its very first day, was about turning waste and unwanted stuff into something that others can turn into a functional machinery. We get bicycles that feel and look pretty sorry for themselves and turn them into fully functional ‘vehicles’; ‘vehicles’ that power the […]


It is never too early to involve kids in giving back. And the more hands-on the experiences are, the better. Soleil Moon Frye   That is what we are trying to do at TBC as much as we can. We support the hands-on experience as much as possible. Take E., in her early teens, who got a […]